Our commitment through The New life to the Nations Association which is registered in Norway and which has set up an Orphanage in Burundi, in Minago is to ensure that your donation goes directly to the Minago Center with the possibility of the follow-up yourself, or to visit the child you are supporting.
Play music here I vuza umuziki ngaha
You can make a difference in a child's life by becoming an African Parent
Being a godfather or godmother means being part of a child's life by offering him a future. At small Orphans, the godfathers and godmothers are called "Parents of Africa". An African Parent is a person who, like a parent, participates in the needs of a child and follows his development.

Who we are and what we do?
Thanks to your generosity and your loyalty, our teams in the field have been able to act every day for more than 5 years, in complete independence. It is your support that gives us the means to intervene effectively, in the most difficult contexts, and to provide children in distress with quality medical aid:
1. pain management
2. palliative care
3. psychosocial support
How does sponsorship work?
For 10 kr per day (minimum 250 kr /month, you help us provide a child with education, healthy food and the necessary medical care.
Sponsoring a child is a unique experience that allows you to bond with a child in need. You receive his school report and you can write to him or even visit him on site.

Rakel Nijimbere

Wenche Framnes

Sadia Manirumva

Our Vision
The New Life to the Nations is committed to protecting, defending and supporting children in difficulty, and in particular orphaned children, who have been separated from their families as a result of conflict or illness or displacement following war.

Our Mission
Our Objectives
The New Life to the Nations responds to the call of the Government of Burundi to support the poor and especially orphans. This message is also a recommendation of Jesus in John 15, 12-17 which guides our association.
Our goal is to assist children in distress, and bring them back to Jesus and their families. Teach them to support themselves through income-generating activities.

Our project
Ongoing project: Construction of an Orphanage in Minago, Assisting Orphaned Children, Agriculture for food self-sufficiency.
Future project: Finalize the construction, establishment of a health center and expand agriculture and include livestock

What Our Parents Says ...

I became African Parent by taking care of these four orphan children. With them it's like I'm surrounded by a happy family full of love.
Save the Children.
Wenche Framnes
African Parent
Becoming an African parent has made me free and useful.
I visited the Minago Orphanage and discovered that loving the most troubled children is a treasure in the kingdom of God. Save the Children.
Åse Håland
African Parent

Ongoing project: Construction of an Orphanage in Minago, Assisting Orphaned Children, Agriculture for food self-sufficiency.
Future project: Finalize the construction, establishment of a health center and expand agriculture and include livestock
Executive Committee

Our commitment through The New life to the Nations Association which is registered in Norway and which has set up an Orphanage in Burundi, in Minago is to ensure that your donation goes directly to the Minago Center with the possibility of the follow-up yourself, or to visit the child you are supporting.
Bank account nr.
1503 13 28036
Den Norske Bank
Name: The New Life to the Nations.
​Bank adresse :
DNB Bank ASA, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo
Bank: DNB Bank ASA
# 21717